The Original Comparable Pictures Report (ROI)
Now With VOD/SVOD, in the Only Database in which the Last Call Is made by a single Highly Experienced Analyst
A workhorse in any presentation, investors often turn to this first. Put them to work for your film, your slate, or your fund.
ROI Reports Include:
- Release Date
- Maximum Screens
- Prints and Ads
- Box Office
- Rentals (from Box Office)
- Home Video
- VHS (where applicable)
- DVD (where applicable)
- Blu-ray (where applicable)
- Domestic Ancillaries (TV, etc.)
- Video on Demand/including SVOD
- Domestic Return on Investment (ROI)
- Foreign Box Office
- Foreign Home Video
- Foreign Ancillaries (TV, VOD, etc.)
- Total Global Revenue
- Library Value
- Global Return on Investment (ROI)
Refined over the course of 20+ years, Comparable Pictures Reports are Return on Investment (ROI) estimates hand-analyzed and compiled by a single analyst. Choose a title, or, for a more complete picture of your project’s potential ROI, choose five, ten, or twenty or more comparable films. These reports now include Video on Demand estimates on titles with a post-2010 release. Films released prior to that may not report on this market platform.
We, And Our Investors, Always Know That the Data We Get Will Be Beyond Reproach.
Jeff Hardy, and the entire team at FilmProfit, is simply fantastic at providing not only presentation materials to aid us in raising funds but doing so in a contextual manner. They’re always available to spend any amount of time discussing different ways to analyze data, and they’re happy to give suggestions. That said, we, and our investors, always know that the data we get will be beyond reproach. Always sound and backed by meaningful research.
Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, Platinum Studios.
If you want a quantity of titles (say, 3) that are not offered in the drop-down list, just choose 1 and then you can increase it in your cart! Don’t forget to write us with the Project Intake Form, and tell us the titles you desire in your order.
This list is always growing (more forward than backward in time), and the film(s) you want are always worth a try.
The look and feel of our reports:
Custom Title Reports on films NOT in our database, can be ordered here.
If you would like more information about FilmProfit Comparable Pictures ROI Reports, or would like a sample sent to you, please fill out our Project Intake Form
Check out these Comparable Pictures Report Specials – Now at Indie-friendly prices!
Low Budget Art-House and Horror Specials